Where is the library located?


BCTC Library Services has two locations.

In addition, you can access our extensive online library resources, including online books, magazines, and journals, from the library web page at:  https://bluegrass.kctcs.edu/current-students/student-resources/library/

For specific hours and holiday exceptions, check https://bluegrass.libguides.com/hoursandlocations



Newtown Learning Commons
120 Classroom Building
500 Newtown Pike
Lexington, KY 40508
Phone: (859) 246-6713

Leestown Library 
Building A , 164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: (859) 246-6380


  • Last Updated Oct 14, 2023
  • Views 392
  • Answered By Maureen

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