How do I find magazine and journal articles in the library databases?


Once you are in a database, here are some tips to help you find and access articles:

  1. Use the database search boxes to enter keywords (words related to your search interest). If you don't get many search results, check the spelling of your keywords. You also may need to try different, but related words or phrases.
  2.  Click the "Full Text" box on the initial search screen, if you want to limit to full-text articles we get
    (rather than just citations); also, you can click the "Peer-Reviewed" box if you want only peer-reviewed,
    academic articles to appear (find these options under "Advanced Search" in some databases).
  3.  In the results list, click on "PDF Full Text" or "HTML Full Text" link to view an article.

We also have several helpful guides to searching databases, such as the Academic Search Complete database guide.

Need more help? Stop by one of our library locations and ask for assistance, or ask us for help using the online form or chat; we are happy to help you!


  • Last Updated Oct 09, 2020
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Maureen

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