Why should I use the library since I already know how to use Google?


Google is a great place to start searching for information, but if you are only using Google to do library research, you are overlooking some other options that could help make your life even easier. Here are some good reasons to use the library when doing your research:

Avoiding Paywalls
Have you ever found the perfect article online, only to be asked to pay to view it? This happens to a lot of students, but you should never pay for articles, since your tuition already gives you access to many resources through the library. Even if the library doesn’t have the  article in our collection, we are likely able to get it for you from another library, through our Interlibrary Loan service.

Credible Sources, Helpful People
Anyone can publish something on the internet. So, how can you tell if a web site is reliable and accurate or not? Wouldn't it be great not to have to worry so much about trying to figure that out on your own?  Remember that the library works hard to provide you with a curated collection of high quality resources, and we are ready to help you navigate your way to credible, reliable sources you can use with confidence.


  • Last Updated Oct 09, 2020
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Maureen

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